As the flowers start to bloom and spread their fragrant smells into the fresh morning air, our thoughts naturally turn to spring. But how many of us let those pristine spring mornings and afternoons slip by without appreciating their beauty? Why not make this year different? Plan to take some time to really appreciate all that nature bestows on those glorious spring mornings. Here are some ways to celebrate the first spring day.
Plant a Butterfly Garden.
Nothing speaks of spring more strongly than watching a butterfly land on a colorful flower. Why not provide a special habitat for theses creatures of flight so you can look out your window and enjoy their beauty? You'll need to find a sunny area of your yard that's sheltered from wind. A wind barrier can be anything from a heavy fence to a group of dense shrubs. Next, do some research to determine what types of butterflies are found in your area. You can make flower choices based on the types of butterflies you want to attract. There are a variety of books available that tell you what types of flowers each butterfly prefers. Once your flowers are planted, you can sit back and watch the butterflies enjoy their new garden on the first spring day. It's a great stress reliever!
Relax in a Hammock.
Too many times in life we're so busy with daily activities that we never take the time to experience the moment. On the first day of spring where the weather cooperates, hang a hammock between two trees, kick off your shoes, close your eyes, and listen to the sounds of spring. The chirping birds, the sound of a gentle breeze, and flowing water, if you happen to have a creek nearby, are the ultimate in therapy. For once, don't think about what you need to do but just celebrate spring. When you emerge from your hammock, you'll feel refreshed and renewed.
Plan a Backyard Party.
The cold weather may have kept your friends and neighbors in seclusion. Now, it's time to bring them out of hibernation by holding a springtime backyard party. Set up some picnic tables and a buffet table filled with delicious, warm weather food. Be sure to have fresh squeezed lemonade and cold ice cream for dessert. When your guests are tired of eating and socializing, set up a game of croquette or badminton in your backyard. Enjoy some more cool lemonade once the game is over.
Go To a Dog Park.
Your canine best friend is eager to get outside and what better way to do it than to take him for an afternoon romp at your local dog park. This can be as soothing for humans as it is for canines. Bring a comfortable lawn chair and a cool drink and watch your dog frolic with the other canines. This is another form of relaxing therapy for the first spring day.
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